James Goodale at CUNY Law Nov. 6


CUNY School Of Law

November 6, 2017

5:00 PM — 7:00 PM

A conversation with James Goodale, the then chief counsel for The NY Times, who led the team advising reporters & editors on the publication of leaked national security documents exposing decades of government deception in the conduct of the Vietnam War. He’ll discuss, among other topics, his highly regarded book Fighting for the Press.

CJR has story on Illustrated Courtroom exhibition

Columbia Journalism Review has a story on the new exhibition including drawings from our book The Illustrated Courtroom, which recently opened to rave reviews in Washington. And that’s no surprise, since the book has won many awards and the admiration of artists, illustrators and lawyers (and judges) across the country. It’s a one-of-a-kind book.


Help Publish a New Book

Writer-teacher Katina Paron is the driving force behind a new comic-style journalism textbook for high school kids. We’re hoping to publish it next year — provided she can raise the money so she and her illustrator can finish it. We’ve seen some of the rough illustrations, and they’re great. The book promises to offer not only journalism but solid civics lessons for kids, supplemented by built-in quizzes and exercises. Help out if you can. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/107082341/a-newshounds-guide-to-student-journalism

You’re Invited: Panel Discussion on Writing Books from History

The Second Draft: From History to Narrative Nonfiction, Journalists on Reporting the Past

Date & Time:

From 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM on March 9, 2017
CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, Room 308

Much of today’s best long-form nonfiction — books, magazines, podcasts, documentaries and more — comes from the pages of history, from the recent to the long-ago past.

Joanna Hernandez, director of diversity initiatives at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, will lead a panel discussion at the school in Midtown Manhattan this Thursday featuring experienced journalists and authors talking about the challenges, opportunities, and earning potential for writers. She will also discuss her own work on a book that combines memoir with a multigenerational cultural history of her Puerto Rican family’s immigration and struggles to assiminlate.


Other panelists include:

Paul Moses, a longtime New York City newspaper reporter who is now a Brooklyn College journalism professor, will talk about his award-winning books The Saint and the Sultan: The Crusades, Islam and Francis of Assisi’s Mission of Peace (Doubleday 2009) and An Unlikely Union: The Love-Hate Story of New York’s Irish and Italians (NYU Press 2015). 

Eileen Markey, a freelance journalist, will discuss her new book is A Radical Faith: The Assassination of Sister Maura (Nation Books 2016), about of the nuns murdered by US-backed militia in El Salvador in 1980. Her journalism has been published in The New York Times, City Limits, The New York Daily News, New York Magazine, The Village Voice, The Wall Street Journal, Newsday and elsewhere.

Barbara Gray, formerly the chief editorial librarian at The New York Times and now head of the Research Center and research education for reporters at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, will go over her research strategies and tools she using in her book-in-progress about America’s most notorious woman criminal in the late 19th century.

 Cara Bedick,  senior editor at Touchstone, an imprint of Simon and Schuster, will speak to the editorial process with emphasis on narrative nonfiction, including Run the World: My 3,500-Mile Journey Through Running Cultures Around the Globe by Becky Wade (William Morrow 2016) and the upcoming Awkward: The Science of Why We’re Socially Awkward and Why That’s Awesome (William Morrow 2017).

‘American English’ Is On Sale Now

AmericanEnglish_CVF-2We’re pleased and proud to announce that our new book, American English for World Media, by Diane Nottle is now available for sale on our site, and will soon be available through other online booksellers, too. (Though we prefer that you buy it through us, which offers us more support for publishing our next books.)

Subtitled ‘The CUNY Journalism School Guide to Writing and Speaking for Professionals,’ the book is the result of Nottle’s long experience as a editor at The New York Times and elsewhere, and her side career as a coach for journalists who are working in English even though it is not their native language.Nottle, who coaches the international students at CUNY CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, also teaches regularly in Europe, China and elsewhere around the globe.

When word got out that Diane was doing ‘American English,’ a number of leading writing coaches, journalism professors and media executives around the world queued up to offer blurbs for the book, which we anticipate will be used not only by journalists but by other professionals as well — anyone for whom writing and speaking in English is important. (Even native speakers are telling us it is a really helpful language usage and grammar guide.)

Please check out the book and/or buy it here. If you want a desk copy for possible bulk purchase — we offer significant discounts — please contact press@journalism.cuny.edu

The Illustrated Courtroom Racks Up Honors

The Illustrated Courtroom, the first (and we think best-ever) full-size, full-color collection of courtroom art, is one of the most-honored books published in America in recent years. If you haven’t checked it our for its art, journalism, law and behind-the-scenes analysis of some of the biggest court proceedings over the past half century, now is the time, with the price cut in half, from the original $60 to a mere $30. A great gift for lawyers, dads, artists, anyone.
Awards/Honors for the Illustrated Courtroom
2016 Eric Hoffer Book Award Best in Academic Press
A Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year 2014
Independent Book Publisher Awards ( IPPY)                         http://www.independentpublisher.com/article.php?page=2046#.Vw7Zi-GRYak.blogger
Bronze medal -Best Informational EBook
Next Generation Indie Book Awards Finalist http://www.indiebookawards.com/2016_winners_and_finalists.php
            Historical non fiction
            Non Fiction E Book
eLit Book Awards       http://elitawards.com/2015_results.php
            Gold Medal- Fine Art
            Gold Medal-True Crime
            Silver Medal- History
            Silver Medal- Graphic Drawn Documentary
            Gold Medal- Best illustration/non fiction

Newsday Names ‘Dying Words’ One of Year’s Best Books

Newsday book critic Tom Beer put our most recent title on his list of best books about journalism. Here’s what he wrote…

DYING WORDS: The AIDS Reporting of Jeff Schmalz and How It Transformed The New York Times, by Samuel G. Freedman with Kerry Donahue. This book, along with a companion documentary on Public Radio Exchange, remembers the Times reporter whose own AIDS diagnosis led to his groundbreaking and sometimes deeply personal coverage of the disease in the early 1990s. (CUNY Journalism Press, $20)

Here’s Tom’s full list.

‘Dying Words’ Event on Upper West Side

Sam Freedman and Kerry Donahue, creators of our book “Dying Words: The AIDS Reporting of Jeff Schmalz and How It Transformed The New York Times,” and the accompanying audio documentary, will appear to talk about the book at 7 pm on Dec 8 at the Book Culture store on West 112th St between Amsterdam and Broadway. And things are in the works for Berkeley, Miami, and other major metro areas. The book is getting great reviews, and the audio doc is playing on dozens of radio stations around the country. You can hear it here, with intros either by Rachel Maddow or Brooke Gladstone.

Sam Freedman talks about ‘Dying Words’

Our esteemed author, Samuel G. Freedman, has a nice article at Columbia Journalism Review talking about how he came to write — and we came to publish — his new book “Dying Words: The AIDS Reporting of Jeff Schmalz and How It Transformed The New York Times.” One of the many powerful sentences in this CJR piece:

Jeff burned for the Times to cover gay people and issues in a way that wasn’t exotic or judgmental, and he knew the newsroom politics well enough to recognize that such change would not happen easily. Young, straight, sympathetic reporters like me were Jeff’s stealthy emissaries. After all, these were the days when official Times style forbade using the word “gay” except as part of a direct quote. The only acceptable term otherwise was “homosexual,” so chilly and clinical and alien.  (Indeed, the headline on my story was “Pride and Joy at Homosexual Parade.”) I was just beginning to grasp the fear that many gay and lesbian journalists on the Times felt, a force that kept many in the closet and compelled several into paper marriages for the sake of their careers.

Book Party for ‘Dying Words’

CUNY Journalism Press is throwing a party 6-8 p.m. on Monday Nov. 30 for the launch of our new book ‘Dying Words: The AIDS Reporting of Jeff Schmalz and How It Transformed The New York Times.’ The party will be held at the CUNY Graduate School of JouSchmalzBookCover_SMrnalism, 219 West 40th Street, in Midtown Manhattan. Come meet the authors, Samuel G. Freedman and Kerry Donahue, along with journalists and activists from the LGBTQ community.

The book tells the story of Jeff Schmalz, the young Times reporter and editor in the 1980s who was outed by AIDS, and then went on to courageously report on AIDS and gay culture. His work helped changed the attitude toward gay people at the Times and in other newsrooms across America. RSVP to press@journalism.cuny.edu

Reading and book party for ‘Dying Words’

Samuel G. Freedman and Kerry Donahue, co-authors of our new title, “Dying Words: The AIDS Reporting of Jeff Schmalz and How It Transformed the New York Times,” will give a book talk and signing in New York — at Book Culture, on West 112th in Morningside Heights at 7 p.m. on Dec. 8.

Donahue has produced an hour-long audio documentary companion to the book, and so far more than 100 NPR stations across American have scheduled it to run over the next few weeks. For more information and to buy the book, go here, and for review copies, and invitations to other parties, contact us at press@journalism.cuny.edu

‘Dying Words’ Available Now

The new book on news coverage of AIDS in the 1980s and ’90s, :Dying Words: The AIDS Reporting of Jeff Schmalz and How It Transformed the New York Times,” is now available from CUNY Journalism Press. The book’s official publication date is Dec. 1 — World AIDS Day — but you can order an advance copy now — paperback, ebook or a combination — here.

The books looks back at the short but remakable career of Jeff Schmalz, a Times editor and reporter who was closeted to his bosses at the Times until he was outed when he collapsed with AIDS in the newsroom in 1990. He returned to launch a memorable reporting campaign looking at gay culture and AIDS before he died in 1993. Along the way, he transformed the attitudes and coverage of the Times, now a strong voice for gay rights, and in other newsrooms as well. For more information.

Pre-Publication Raves for ‘Dying Words’

The Forward’s John Oswald has penned a story about our upcoming title ‘Dying Words: The AIDS Reporting of Jeff Schmalz and How It Transformed the New York Times.” Oswald interviews one of the co-authors, Samuel G. Freedman, and offers a peek into the book itself, which offers a fascinating look back at that extraordinary time in America — and in newsrooms — in the 1980s and 1990s when AIDS decimated the gay community at the same time that gay culture began to emerge as never before. Read The Forward’s story here. And pre-order the book, due to be published Dec. 1, here.

‘Dying Words’ to Be Published Dec. 1

”Dying Words: The AIDS Reporting of Jeff Schmalz and How It Transformed The New York Times,” will be released on December 1 to coincide with World AIDS Day. The multi-media project will be in audio documentary form with a companion book about the groundbreaking journalist who covered the AIDS epidemic as he was dying of the disease.

A collaborative effort led by author, professor and journalist Samuel G. Freedman and radio producer Kerry Donahue, the project will air on radio stations across the country beginning in November and the book will be released by CUNY Journalism Press on December 1.

The audio documentary, produced by Kerry Donahue and edited by Ben Shapiro, will be distributed by PRX to public radio stations around the country and also be available as a podcast. The companion book consists of about 35,000 words of text, including excerpts from Jeff’s work, and will be released as both an original paperback and ebook.

“Jeff Schmalz was a journalistic prodigy,” said producer Kerry Donahue. “He was hired by The New York Times while a college student, running its metropolitan coverage by his mid-20s and regarded as the ‘consummate Timesman. People in the newsroom thought that he we be a top editor one day, not knowing he was struggling with his identity as a gay man. He came out to many friends and peers at the Times, but kept his sexual orientation secret from the newsroom management. Under the executive editor A.M. Rosenthal, the Times newsroom of the 1970s and 80s was a homophobic place, and journalists known to be gay or lesbian were stalled or even demoted in their careers.”

“Jeff was my mentor,” said Samuel Freedman, himself an award-winning journalist and author who currently writes a religion column for The New York Times. “I will never forget the day in December of 1990, when Jeff collapsed in the newsroom with a brain seizure. It was the first evidence that he had full-blown AIDS – a death sentence in these years before drug cocktails were available.

“With AIDS, Jeff was endangered and he was outed,” Freedman continued. “Yet he was also cracked wide open in positive ways. He found his calling in writing about HIV and AIDS, doing memorable portraits of Magic Johnson, Mary Fisher and other, as well as chronicling his own experience reporting on the most personal beat imaginable.”
Schmalz’s work is credited with changing The New York Times coverage of gay issues. The New York Times of today – publishing same-sex wedding announcements, editorializing in favor of marriage equality and covering LGBT issues in more and more depth – is the fruition of changes that Jeff helped set into motion but never lived long enough to fully see. Now, 22 years after he died at age 39, his contributions have been largely forgotten.

“Our hope is that ‘Dying Words’ will restore Jeff’s name and work to the annals of LGBT history and journalistic history,” concluded Freedman.

Both the documentary and the book draw upon extensive interviews, existing recordings by Schmalz, and excerpts from his AIDS coverage. Over the past year, the team interviewed major journalists including Anna Quindlen, Adam Moss, Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., and Elizabeth Kolbert, as well as the AIDS activist Mary Fisher and the LGBT historian Eric Marcus. In addition, the audio includes original recordings of Schmalz’s interviews with Magic Johnson, Bill Clinton and others. Wendy Schmalz, Jeff’s sister, who is his closest living relative, has worked closely with and supported the efforts of the team.

The book is now available for pre-order here: http://press.journalism.cuny.edu/

Samuel G. Freedman is an award-winning author, columnist, and professor. A columnist for The New York Times and a professor at Columbia University, and he is the author of the seven acclaimed books. He has been a finalist for the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize and has won the Helen Bernstein Award for Excellence in Journalism and the National Jewish Book Award.

Kerry Donahue is an experienced radio producer and the director of the radio program at Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Her work has been heard on PRI, PRX, NPR, WNYC, WBGO, and Marketplace. A former executive producer at WNYC, Kerry was part of the team that launched The Takeaway with John Hockenberry in 2008 and was the executive producer of “Pop & Politics with Farai Chideya”. She was an early podcast pioneer in her role as a producer of original content at Audible.com, a subsidiary of Amazon and the leading site for downloadable premium audio content.

For more information go to: http://dyingwordsproject.com/

New cash stipend for LGBT reporting

The success of the Kickstarter to help fund our next CUNY Journalism Press book — on influential NY Times reporter Jeff Schmalz and his AIDS coverage — means that the authors will be able to award a $390 stipend (Jeff Schmalz died in 1993 at age 39) to two students this autumn, one from CUNY and one from Columbia, to help fund a reporting project on LGBT issues. More details to come in September when both schools are back in session.

‘Gay Girl’ Documentary Takes a Page from Our Book

The new Canadian documentary ‘Gay Girl in Damascus,’ which was well received at Sundance earlier this year and is now in theatrical release around the country, tells the strange story of Amina, a rebel activist in Syria whose posts during the Arab Spring made her a social media phenomenon. When she reported that she had been kidnapped and her Twitter feed went silent, the search for her went viral, led by the Canadian girlfriend she had never met in person. The story of what really happened — the story the documentary reports — is told in gripping, thriller-style narrative with all the stunning twists and turns and much more detail in the CUNY Journalism Press title ‘Distant Witness: Social Media, the Arab Spring and a Journalism Revolution.’ Our book, by Andy Carvin, has been hailed as a new-media classic for his descriptions, told in real time, of showing the world how an international story, including rebellion and war, can be covered effectively via social media. See more about the book here.

The Illustrated Courtroom Wins 4 Major Awards

Our book The Illustrated Courtroom, the first ever outsized, full-color collection of important court art from major cases over the past half century, continues to earn national recognition. The eLit Book Awards, an independent organization honoring digital books, has bestowed two gold and two silver medals on the book for four different categories of publishing. It is the first time a single book has ever won four awards, and reflects The Illustrated Courtroom’s cross-appeal at the intersection of art, law and journalism.

The book, compiled by renowned artist Elizabeth Williams from her work and the work of four other famous court illustrators, won gold in the Fine Arts category for its drawings and in the True Crime category for the news coverage, including behind-the-scenes text from Sue Russell, of many of the biggest headline-grabbing cases in U.S. history: Charles Manson, O.J. Simpson, Michael Jackson, Martha Stewart, Bernie Madoff and more.

The book won silver medals in the History and Graphics categories. For more on the awards, click here. For more on The Illustrated Courtroom, click here.

Barry Newman Speaking Gig June 2

Event: New York Financial Writers’ Association presents an evening with Barry Newman When: Tuesday, June 2nd, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where: The Perfect Pint, 123 West 45th Street, New York, NY

Join the New York Financial Writers’ Association for an evening focusing on how to best use anecdotes in stories. 
Barry Newman will discuss ways to turn narrowly focused stories into narrative features for a broad audience of smart readers. Newman wrote for the Wall Street Journal, from the U.S. and abroad, for more than four decades. Most of his stories ran on the Journal’s front page. While he’s known for humor writing, his work dealt in accessible ways with serious subjects: immigration, macroeconomics, agriculture, development, trade, politics and foreign policy, to name a few. He will share some of the techniques he details in a new book, “News to Me,” published by CUNY Journalism Press: http://barrynewmanjournalist.com. As always, the evening will feature light appetizers and NYFWA members’ first two drinks are on us. Guests of the NYFWA are welcome to attend for $15 at the door.