New Kindle Review of The Illustrated Courtroom

Amazon has put up part of the American Lawyer review of our book The Illustrated Courtroom: 50 Years of Court Art, which features 140 iconic deadline-delivered drawings by five of the top courtroom artists of all time from dozens of the biggest trials of the last half century: Published in May by CUNY Journalism Press, “The Illustrated Courtroom: 50 Years of Court Art,” by artist Elizabeth Williams and crime writer Sue Russell, is a raucous celebration of five practitioners of this endangered workaday art. The moments captured here include everything, as one artist put it, “from celebrities, spies, terrorists, corporate corruption, political scandals, killers, mass murderers, celebrity custody hearings, to sex scandals, child molestation cases and military court martials.”  Here is a perfect match of artists and subjects: Elizabeth Williams on Martha Stewart and dapper John Gotti, Howard Brodie on Jack Ruby and the Watergate plumbers, Aggie Kenny on Jackie O. and Oliver North, Bill Robles on O.J. Simpson and Richard Tomlinson capturing a young David Boies. Lawyers who treasure beauty should root for the Luddites in the courtroom camera debate. Court TV has been called many things, but it’s never been called art.